Jovi De Croock

Software Engineer

GraphQL Abstract types and caching

An issue in GraphQL client's normalised caching are abstract types and when you as a consumer run into them it can be really hard...

We'll use the terms abstract and concrete types which can be defined as follows:

  • Abstract type, an interface or union type, interfaces can be implemented by interfaces/objects making the implementor have a superset of the fields of the implemented interface.
  • Concrete type, an object that possibly implements an interface, these are object-types that represent an eventual returned value.


To get this we need to rewind a bit and look at the fundamentals of normalized caching, and how it works conceptually. Let's say we get the following selection-set from our client:

query {
  pokemon(id: "1") {

A normalized cache will go over this and start checking whether or not it contains every field by doing the following in order:

  •'Query.pokemon(id: 1)') - this will return either nothing or a pointer to the Pokemon in cache.
  •'') - this will return either nothing or the id of the Pokemon
  •'') - this will return either nothing or the name of the Pokemon

That's the gist of the operations that will be executed, the reason we can uniquely identify these entities is because GraphQL exposes the __typename field on every object, which allows us to combine a unique identifier and the name of the type to create a unique key.

If the entity isn't there we'll reach out to the server and we'll be able to write the response in the cache with very similar steps.

Now the above is an ideal case, there are also going to be cases where we can't generate a key for a given entity, in urql we call them embedded entities. This basically opts out of normalization for these objects and will embed the object in the parent field.

  keys: {
    Pokemon: p =>, // Default
    PokemonDimension: () => null, // embedded entity, will be embedded into Pokemon.dimension

Now to add one more piece we'll look at an abstract type being queried...

query {
  beast(id: "1") {
    ... on Beast {
    ... on Pokemon {
    ... on Digimon {

For clarity the schema looks like

interface Beast {
  id: ID!
  name: String!

type Pokemon implements Beast {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  fleeRate: Float!

type Digimon implements Beast {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  evolutionLevel: Int!

type Query {
  beast(id: ID!): Beast

The steps we'll go through to resolve this query will be the following

  •'Query.beast(id: 1)') - this will return either nothing or a pointer to the Pokemon|Digimon in cache.
  •'(Pokemon|Digimon)') - this will return either nothing or the id of the Pokemon|Digimon
  •'(Beast)') - this will return either nothing or the name of the Beast --> Problematic as we'll never see this __typename as the server will always reply with a concrete type of Pokemon or Digimon meaning that we'll never be able to resolve this field as we can't be sure whether this is a concrete or abstract-type.
  •'(Pokemon):1.fleeRate') - this will return either nothing or the fleeRate of the Pokemon
  •'(Digimon):1.evolutionLevel') - this will return either nothing or the evolutionLevel of the Digimon

When we are writing to the cache we'll always write with the __typename we are given and we'll check the fragments whether they heuristically match the response. This means that if we get back a Pokemon, fleeRate will be found in the response and name will be found in the response meaning that these two responses heuristically match. We won't be able to find evolutionLevel in the response so we can ignore that fragment.

The issue here becomes that for a Pokemon we'll get the name and fleeRate returned while for a Digimon we'll get the name and evolutionLevel returned. The Beast Fragment represents the fields they have in common but as an abstract type will never be selection explicitly.

Interface fields

The above shows the issue that normalized caches face, to fix that you'll see solutions like Apollo's possibleTypes or urql's schema-awareness. Solutions like these allow us to lookup each type and see that it's abstract which in turn allows us to resolve the selection-set by means of the __typename of the implementing types.

Something that can be said is whether we can construct possibleTypes at query-time where we would see that Pokemon is returned, and we see that it has the name property which would allow us to derive that by extension Pokemon is implementing the Beast interface.